Morality investigations before collaboration and partnership

UXAM has developed a detailed CV verification procedure to provide a valuable aid for quality recruitment essential to Human Resource Managers and Directors.

Our reports usable for pre-employment can also be used in retrospect in all different engagements in legal proceedings. They enable the detection of both “supposed” work experience and over-estimated responsibilities and hidden periods of inactivity.

Our CV checking applies to:

  • Work experience
  • Diplomas
  • Wages
  • Certificates
  • Languages
  • E-reputation

Our inquiries are thorough and our reports well-reasoned, and need a variable time-scale according to the scope of the application (France – International)

Morality investigations before collaboration and partnership

UXAM intervenes with professionalism and discretion in order to ascertain, following the defined criteria with the clients, the morality and areas of influence of an individual person. UXAM processes the collected information in order to bring to its clients a supported answer to the request expressed.

Our moral investigations are conducted in :

  • Pre-marital investigation
  • Checking and inspection of “lifestyle”
  • Investigations on alcohol, drug and gambling addictions
  • Prostitution
  • Sect affiliation

In the context of charity or a financial partnership, UXAM will request a juridical procedure with a full investigation in order to identify the morality of your future partners.


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