Civil inquiry

Civil inquiry

Our civil inquiries, commonly named “investigation of debtors” are held for the tracing of private individuals or legal entities (companies). They investigate contact details, solvency and more generally  the economic situation of a person.

UXAM takes action exclusively within a court ruling, or for the continuity of a contract. A civil inquiry is a regulated profession needing an agreement to practice.

Modified Article 20 of the Law 83-629 of the 20th July 1983: “

As well as a database, UXAM has developed specific investigation methods in order to take into account the elements which will make the difference.

Our inquiries are thorough and our reports well-reasoned.

A Civil inquiry, included in the article 20 of the law n° 83-629 of the 12th of July 1983, consists in applying every means of investigation for a third party in the case of a specific demand for contact details, for solvability and for the property of an individual.

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UXAM has developed a detailed CV verification procedure to provide a valuable aid for quality recruitment essential to Human Resource Managers and Directors.

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